

Kenya Kids

At New Covenant Bible Church, we pride ourselves on the exceptional ministries we offer to our congregation. From children to adults, we have programs and activities that cater to everyone’s spiritual growth and personal development.

Our children’s ministry is a place where kids can learn about God in a fun and engaging environment. Our dedicated team of teachers provides age-appropriate lessons that are both educational and entertaining. We also have events like Vacation Bible School and kids’ camps that offer opportunities for kids to deepen their faith and build lasting relationships with their peers.

Our youth ministry is designed to help teenagers navigate the challenges of adolescence with a solid foundation of faith. We provide opportunities for them to engage with their peers in meaningful discussions, participate in community service projects, and experience life-changing retreats and events.

Our adult ministries are equally impressive, offering opportunities for fellowship, learning, and growth. We have small groups that meet regularly to discuss relevant topics and support one another through life’s challenges. We also have men’s and women’s groups that provide a space for building deeper relationships and exploring faith-based issues.

Our worship ministry is another area of excellence. We have a talented and dedicated team of musicians and singers who lead us in heartfelt worship every Sunday. We also have special events throughout the year, including concerts, worship nights, and seasonal services.

At New Covenant Bible Church, we believe that every member of our congregation has unique gifts and talents that can be used to serve God and make a difference in the world. Our ministries provide opportunities for individuals to use their gifts in meaningful ways and make a positive impact on their communities.

Overall, we are proud of the exceptional ministries at New Covenant Bible Church and invite you to join us as we seek to grow in our faith and serve others with love and compassion.